Create accounts with a variety of permissions depending on employee job duties.
Charge Account
To Set up a charge account the following steps must be followed:
1. Go to
2. Fill out and submit a Credit Application
3. If a tax exempt form is needed- fill out and submit a tax exempt form
To find your states tax exempt form visit:
Account Permissions
To Set up multiple accounts under 1 company with a variety of permissions follow theses steps:
1. Go to
2. Fill out and submit a User Account for
a. The top of the form should be submitted with the account administrators information- the administrator will be able to access all account information and control all employee accounts.
b. The bottom portion of the form should contain employee infomration that pertains to each specific employee. The administrator will be able to over see all the accounts.
3. After form is completed and submitted please allow one business day to complete process
For help in the account permission process e-mail or call Katie at 208-226-2555